
Top Pilates Tips For Travel

Traveling is exciting, but it can throw off your pilates routine with your body suffering the consequences. Whether you’re going on a business trip, a holiday, or a weekend getaway, maintaining your “travel fitness” while on the road is easier than you might think. Here are some top tips to…
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Pilates Basics: Sit Bones

When we think about posture, the focus is often on the back, shoulders, or neck, but there’s a critical part of the body that plays a huge role in how we sit and align ourselves: the sit bones, or ischial tuberosities. These bony points at the base of your pelvis…
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The Spine Stretch: 3 Big Benefits

Number eight on the 34 traditional pilates mat exercise workout developed by Joseph Pilates is The Spine Stretch. It’s another simple exercise but not necessarily an easy one if flexibility is a challenge. But… With a few modifications initially and with consistent practice, those flexibility challenges can be overcome   …
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Why Walking Isn’t Enough

We are in fact the only creatures on the planet that do it! Walking is one of the most fundamental and natural movements we can do as human beings. An infant moves from crawling to walking without having to “learn” how to do it, they just do it naturally, we…
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Motivation v Commitment

How motivated are you to have a high quality of health and movement capability?  Don’t make the mistake of confusing motivation with commitment, they are completely different and to succeed in achieving a lifetime of health and fitness, commitment is the most important of the two. Do you have the…
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Reformer Pilates v Mat Pilates

Pilates is an exercise methodology and an approach to developing great movement capability, correcting any postural imbalances and rehabilitating injuries or issues in the body. It doesn’t matter if you are using the pilates equipment or using just a mat to do the work, if you are performing the exercises…
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Pilate Basics: Neutral v Imprint

Many pilates exercises are performed lying on the back and will require either a neutral or an imprinted spine. The purpose of working in a neutral spine is to train muscles to work effectively for postural strength. The purpose of an imprinted spine is to train muscles for core strength.…
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The Double Leg Stretch: 3 Big Benefits

Number seven on the 34 traditional pilates mat exercise workout developed by Joseph Pilates is The Double Leg Stretch. It’s a very simple exercise that will bring together all the principles of the pilates method of exercise. It is an advanced exercise which needs to be progressed toward and not…
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