Tag: pilates for beginners

Pilates Basics: Sit Bones

When we think about posture, the focus is often on the back, shoulders, or neck, but there’s a critical part of the body that plays a huge role in how…
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How To Practice Pilates At Home

It’s one of the most common questions you get asked as a pilates teacher. What pilates exercises can I do at home? It’s great to be so motivated that you…
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Pilates Basics: Neutral Spine

Neutral spine refers to the curves in the spine that are natural and enable humans to stand upright without any unnecessary stress or tension, with even distribution of weight. The…
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Why You Need To Stretch Every Day

Do you stretch every day? If you do, then a big “high five”! You’re in the minority. Stretching usually doesn’t rate highly on the priority list of daily activities for…
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How Do You Measure Age?

What is age? How do you measure age? Traditionally, age is measured by the number of years, or decades that have ticked by on the calendar. And along with those…
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Breathe For A Long Spine

Yes, that’s correct! You cannot have true mobility in your spine, and in fact in any of your joints without effective breathing! Really? Yes, really!!! How does pilates breathing improve…
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The Core Pilates Principles

Pilates isn’t just a workout; it’s a holistic approach to movement  that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and mind-body connection. At the heart of the pilates method are its foundational principles,…
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Does mat pilates increase fitness?

Does Mat Pilates Increase Fitness?

What is fitness? Traditionally, we’ve considered fitness in terms of physical attributes like cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Yet, our understanding of fitness is evolving as we recognize that…
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