
Fascial Fitness: Why You Need It!

Healthy Aging

Did you know that there exists a complex and interconnected system in the body that plays a crucial role in human movement, posture, and overall well-being and it’s not your muscles and bones.

This system comprises a network of fascia and connective tissue that extends from head to toe.

You’ve no doubt heard of the most famous bits of fascia and connective tissue…the plantar fascia in the foot, the ITB on the side of the leg, ligaments, tendons and joint cartilage.

It’s not just involved in movement of the body; it forms an intricate web that wraps and connects around every cell, muscle, bone and organ.

It gives the body structure.  

It transports water, loves to slide and glide and has many different textures which provide different functions, depending on where it is.

Many injuries occur in fascia and connective tissue…tendons, ligaments and joints. And as we age, the structure of fascia changes making it easier to injure and harder to heal.

Understanding what fascia is and how to keep it “fit and healthy” is crucial to injury prevention and healthy aging.   

Fascia fitness has very different principles to the old muscle/bone movement principles and involves moving your body in “lines” and developing elastic recoil. You still need to have strong muscles but adding fascial fitness to strong muscles creates a body that is resilient on all levels.

Dysfunction or imbalance in these lines can produce postural imbalances, movement restrictions, and chronic pain issues.

For example, a tight front line might pull your head forward, round the shoulders and tighten the hip flexors. A tight spiral line might manifest in a tight twisted rib cage.

Healthy and fit fascia also helps keep the body “bouncy” and light on your feet making every day activities like kicking a footy with the kids, or jogging a few steps to catch the train easier and safer.

Fascial fitness is a relatively new concept.

Here at Pilates Plus we’ve been exploring this fascinating and incredibly beneficial modality for a number of years now. It contributes significantly to the results our clients achieve.

There’s no recorded evidence that Joseph Pilates understood fascia, but the exercise method he developed does indeed include elements of fascia fitness.

The pilates principles will always form the foundation of any fitness program and developing postural integrity for movement capability.

Website by Confetti

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