
3 Signs Your Glutes Are Weak (And What To Do About It)

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How do you know if you have weak glutes? Below are three signs that you may need to get your butt in to better shape.


The three gluteal muscles play a major role in stabilising the pelvis and hip joint when you walk, run, climb stairs and play sport. If the glutes are weak, then the stability of the pelvis and hip joint will be compromised.

This can lead to the leg and foot being pulled out of a functional alignment, placing extra stress and strain on the joints of the leg and feet, leading to pain or potentially an acute injury.

Another consequence of weak glutes on the hips, knees and feet is that the pelvis doesn’t have the support it needs to be “light”. Strong glutes have a “lifting” effect on the pelvis, decreasing the weight on the legs and decompressing the joints.

The obvious solution to these issues is to start a glute strengthening program. But this absolutely should be part of a comprehensive core strength program and not done in isolation.

All the muscles of the trunk and torso work together in synergy and cannot be separated.


How do you walk? Do you glide forward with grace and ease? Or do you waddle side to side?

Every time you lift one foot to take a step forward, you are in essence standing on one leg. Now we already know from the info above that weak glutes lead to an unstable pelvis and hip joint, and when walking, can lead to one side of your pelvis dropping or dipping on one side.

So instead of your leg and hip gliding forward, they drop to the side. This can produce a very inefficient walking pattern and lead to pain or issues in other parts of your body as it struggles to compensate for the lack of efficiency.

A simple test you can do is to attempt to lift one foot off the ground as if you were about to take a step forward and hold it there for 30 seconds without your hip dipping to one side or you body weight shifting.

You may be able to do this on one side, but struggle with the other and this is quite common as we all tend to have a “weak” side.

Practicing this simple exercise every day, starting by holding on to a bench and gradually let go and holding for longer and longer is a great way to strengthen your glutes.   


How often do you stretch your glutes?

Glutes that are weak, are usually also tight which can lead to extra pull or stress on the pelvis and entire spine.

So not only are weak glutes NOT supporting or stabilising the pelvis, but glute tightness will also affect the alignment of the pelvis which will affect your posture.

It’s not uncommon for someone to get relief from back pain by simple stretching and releasing their glutes and hips!

This doesn’t apply to back injuries, but the general daily achey stiffness in the spine that accumulates due to poor posture and lack of stretching and core strength.

So not only do you need to strengthen your glutes but learn how to stretch them effectively and then have the discipline to do it every day.

The pilates method of exercise includes glute strengthening and stretching as part of comprehensive and full body core strengthening. And once that core strength conditioning is achieved, those little aches and pains disappear, posture is functional, not dysfunctional and walking becomes graceful.

Website by Confetti

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